IWRA hosted its 2024 General Assembly recently! This event was open to everyone, including non-members, and took place on November 6th at 2:00 PM via ZOOM.
This annual gathering offered a unique opportunity to hear directly from IWRA’s Executive Board members and Executive Office staff about our vision, current activities, and upcoming projects. We shared key updates on our World Water Congresses, the inaugural Islands Water Congress, task forces, geographic chapters, publications, webinars, and much more. It was a great chance to learn about IWRA’s work and explore ways to get involved in what’s coming next.
- Welcome Remarks and Introductions: Eric Tardieu, Secretary General, IWRA
- Opening Statement: Yuanyuan Li, President, IWRA
- IWRA Financial Report: Renée Martin-Nagle, Treasurer, IWRA
- Annual Report, Recent Activities, and Future Activities: Ignacio Deregibus, Interim Executive Director, IWRA
- Membership Report: Bassel Daher, Chair, Membership Committee, IWRA
- Geographic Chapter and Task Force Updates: Dahlia Sabri, Member, Task Force and Chapter Oversight Committee, IWRA
- Q&A/Open Discussion with Audience
- Closing Remarks and Thanks: Eric Tardieu, Secretary General, IWRA
Any questions submitted during the General Assembly or sent via email to office@iwra.org afterward will be answered online.
In preparation for this General Assembly, we encouraged you to review the following documents:
- IWRA’s Strategic Priorities Document
- IWRA’s Articles of Incorporation and By-laws
- IWRA’s Mission, Vision, and Values
- IWRA’s recent Activity Report
For more information, please visit our main web platforms.
- World Water Congress
- Islands Water Congress
- IWRA Online Conference
- Membership Space (Only available to IWRA Members)
If you have any questions about the General Assembly, your membership or anything else, please contact us at office@iwra.org.