The International Water Resources Association (IWRA) is pleased to invite you to join the sessions its’ coordinating and contributing to during the upcoming World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden, taking place from August 23rd to September 1st, 2022.
Find out more on all these sessions below, and don’t forget to pencil them in your calendar!

23rd August 13:00 – 14:20 CET
Groundwater Governance: Achieving the SDGs through accelerating inclusion and participation, IWRA online session with opening remarks from Anita Milman (IWRA Groundwater Task Force Member)
Governing groundwater is complex. Achieving equitable and sustainable development, in the context of climate change and the multitude of competing needs, requires participatory, inclusive governance approaches. This session is part of a series linking to the Groundwater Summit and will provide critical input for the UN 2023 Water Conference.
24th August 15:30 – 16:50 CET
Call for Action on Gender Equality in the Water Domain (Government of Italy, UNESCO-WWAP), Lesha Witmer (IWRA Vice-President), Moderator
The Multi-stakeholder Call for Action for accelerating progress towards gender equality in the water domain, led by UNESCO WWAP, has brought together a global coalition of stakeholders envisaged to break with business-as-usual. We will explore action taken on the ground by various Coalition members to change the status-quo.
24th August 17:00 – 18:20 CET
How Water Acts as a Driver for Peace (First session of the SIWI-SPC seminar on Water as a Driver for Peace and Cooperation), Gabriel Eckstein (IWRA Past President), Guest Speaker
A discussion on how water acts as a driver for peace and cooperation. Following an engaging quiz on key terminology, this session will focus on different tools for managing, mitigating, and resolving water-related conflicts. The final part is an open discussion between the speakers and online audience.
25th August, 11:30 – 12:50 CET
Informing the 2023 Political Agenda through Science (First session of the SIWI Seminar), Mary Trudeau (IWRA Project Officer), Guest speaker
The goal of this seminar series is to inform the 2023 policy discussions on water and sanitation with the latest science and evidence from across the water sector. It is intended for researchers and practitioners who have generated science and evidence that should inform policymaking and for decision makers that will be involved in policy setting. There will be three sessions to this seminar series.
30th August 14:00 – 15:30 CET
Peace and International Cooperation: What do Transboundary Aquifers have to offer? (IAH, IGRAC, etc.), Gabriel Eckstein (IWRA Past President), Moderator
This session provides background on transboundary aquifers (TBAs) and describes implications for water security and peace. It focuses on three topics relevant for better understanding invisible TBAs and the benefits for international water security. Each topic includes a presentation and reactions from the panel and audience.
30 August 14:00 – 15:30 CET
Creating new champions: enhancing links to achieve SDG 6 across – Lesha Witmer (IWRA Vice-President), Speaker
This session considers recent research into how the water and sanitation sector could interact more effectively with other developmental areas. It reveals messaging that resonates with other sectors, and how to persuade Heads of State/Government of the ‘value’ of water and sanitation to other political priorities.
31 August 16:00 – 21:00 CET
CEO Water Mandate – Lesha Witmer (IWRA Vice-President), Gabriel Eckstein (IWRA Past President); IWRA representatives
1st September 9:00 – 10:30 CET
Science to Policy – Synthesizing Science, Priorities for 2022/23 (SPC, IWRA, UNESCO), Gabriel Eckstein (IWRA Past President), Moderator, and, Jacques Ganoulis (Member, STP committee), Speaker
This session will discuss the outcomes of Session 1/3 to identify and prioritise specific, science-based policy recommendations that are worth advancing in 2023. Based on the evidence, the session will discuss what should change and the particular actions governments could take to improve water security and climate resilience.
1st September 11:00 – 12:30 CET
Preparing for an Inclusive and Action-Oriented UN 2023 Water Conference, Lesha Witmer (IWRA Vice-President), IWRA representative
This flagship session convened by the hosts of the UN 2023 Water Conference, includes a brief introduction on the Conference followed by an update of progress on the road to the 2023 Conference. The session will highlight the opportunities for stakeholders to participate and contribute to the Conference’s objectives to accelerate progress towards the water targets of the 2030 SDG agenda.
Organised by SIWI, World Water Week is the leading conference on global water issues, held every year since 1991. The Week attracts a diverse mix of participants from many professional backgrounds and every corner of the world. Together we develop solutions to the planet’s greatest water-related challenges, such as poverty, the climate crisis, and biodiversity loss.
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