IWRA Egypt Chapter
"Enabling Egypt to make substantial progress towards achieving water security"
Globally, only 2.5% of the world’s water is freshwater usable by humans, essential for civilisation and ecosystems. Water scarcity poses challenges to social and economic development. Rapid economic growth, urbanisation, and climate change increase water demand, reduce resources, and affect supply and quality. Over 2 billion people face water stress, exacerbated by population growth and climate effects.
Egypt relies heavily on the Nile for water, but seasonal variations and upstream developments pose concerns. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is vital, considering all water uses and impacts. Research on water management highlights regional differences, emphasising local context studies.
Egypt faces unique challenges due to downstream Nile location and transboundary issues. The Nile Basin Initiative seeks to promote sustainable development through equitable water resource utilisation. Besides the Nile, groundwater, rainfall, and wastewater reuse meet additional water demands. Effective water resource management is critical for Egypt’s progress towards water security.

The IWRA Egypt Chapter has a multifaceted mission to tackle the challenges of the Egyptian water sector effectively. By integrating natural sciences, technology, economics, environment, ecology, and social sciences, it aims to develop comprehensive solutions for managing freshwater and wastewater.
The Chapter’s primary goal is to establish a robust local network that collaborates closely with water-focused NGOs, facilitating collective actions and knowledge exchange on pressing water issues. By providing a dynamic platform, it aspires to connect Egyptian water professionals and organisations at all levels, fostering meaningful dialogue, idea-sharing, and information dissemination on innovative technologies to enhance water services.
As advocates of IWRA, the Chapter will actively promote the benefits of membership, encouraging professionals to join our ranks and actively participate in our wide array of activities. Through this engagement, members can expand their expertise and collaborate with fellow water experts within our network.
Furthermore, we recognise the importance of forging connections and strengthening ties within local communities. To achieve this, the Chapter will organise various engagement activities, workshops, and webinars, fostering dialogue and promoting best practices and sustainable solutions for the broader water community. Together, we can pave the way for a more secure and resilient water future in Egypt.

Senior Water Expert, Egypt and IWRA Executive Board member.
Technical Consultant, Arab Water Council, Egypt.
National Water Research Centre, Egypt.
Mohamed Wahba, Vice President Honorary – International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) and Chairman of AFRWG-ICID, Egypt.
University of South Australia, Australia, and IWRA Executive Board Member
Director of Environmental Affairs at the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater.
Working Groups
- IWRM and Transboundary Water Governance
- Water Ecology and Food Nexus (WEFE), Unconventional water innovations and Circular Economy
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
- Women and Youth Engagement
The Chapter will achieve these objectives/aims by working within four main tracks: knowledge, policy, technology, and communication to have a holistic and sustainable impact. To achieve this, the Chapter will
- Provide members with the results of studies, research and surveys related to the water sector;
- Develop research papers, articles, guidelines and manuals on related topics;
- Organise symposia, seminars, workshops and technical sessions;
- Maintain close relations with all regional and international organisations devoted to issues relating to the objectives of the IWRA;
- Facilitate communication and interaction between other regional chapters and members of IWRA;Produce Policy Briefs.
The engagement activities expect to:
- Improve water governance in Egypt;
- Emphasise the need for an overall analytical framework that can be applied to help analyse the current situation;
Identify areas where water management and governance need to be improved and potential actions/interventions are needed to achieve improvement and assess the relative importance and feasibility, which can lead to their implementation and the steps needed to promote them.
Build capacity of members;
Coordinate the search for knowledge and latest development in the technical, legal, administrative and economic fields for drinking water production, supply and sanitation;
Promote the exchange of information on methods, processes and procedures of drinking water production and supply and sanitation;
Initiate, encourage and promote any act of cooperation and exchange in professional training;
Maintain close relations with all regional, continental and international organisations devoted to issues related to the objectives of the Association.
- The 1st meeting of the bureau and core group will be in September 2023.
- A launch article (white paper) in December 2023.
Country research and practice synthesis followed by the 1st workshop and/or a conference session in October 2023.
For more information or to join the Egypt Chapter, please contact the Chapter Chair Dahlia Sabri at: dsabri@uni-bonn.de.