Programme  Poster session 2  abstract 778

Monitoring of processes in a surface water treatment plant

Author(s): Zielina Michal
Michal Zielina Cracow University of Technology 24 Warszawska Street, 31-155 Krakow, Poland tel. +48-12-6282183, fax. +48-12-6282042 email:

Keyword(s): water treatment plant, operating parameters

Article: abs778_article.doc
Poster: abs778_poster.pdf
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Session: Poster session 2
AbstractTraditionally, water treatment plant includes general processes such as: coagulation, flocculation,

sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. Optimal choice of operating parameters for each of these processes is the

most challenging task of any design. Unfortunately, all of the processes are very dynamic and strongly dependent on

fluctuable quality of raw water. In consequence, optimal working parameters guaranteeing relatively low cost and

high removal efficiency also should be dynamically adjusted in time. Complex mathematical models indicate the

dependence of the processes on many parameters. Particle size distribution is one of the most important for all of

them. Significant development of the particle size distribution (PSD) measuring methods was observed during last

years. Simple and quick “on-line” PSD measurement is possible today. Particle size distribution enables more

detailed water treatment processes analysis than still commonly used turbidity. The research was carried out in a

treatment plant supplied with water from the Dlubnia river, which is one of the several supplying Krakow.

Flocculation, sedimentation and filtration were analyzed based on particle size distribution curves. Refractive indexes

were adequately selected. After flocculation, the concentration of particles between 1 and 30 microns increased in

comparison with other fractions. After sedimentation particles bigger than 10 microns relatively decreased, and

particles smaller than one micron and bigger than 100 microns relatively increased. During depth filtration volume of

particles bigger than one micron were removed relatively better than the rest of the particles. The total volumetric

suspension concentration slightly increased after flocculation and visibly decreased after sedimentation and then

significantly decreased after filtration. A theoretical interpretation of the results was proposed.

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