Programme  OS3f Regional and nationwide scenarios 2  abstract 629

Area differentiated analysis of impacts of climate change scenarios on groundwater resources in Northwestern Germany

Author(s): Frank Wendland, Ralf Kunkel, Imke Lingemann, Björn Tetzlaff, Richard Knoche, Harald Kunstmann

Keyword(s): water balance modelling; groundwater recharge; climate change scenarios;

Article: abs629_article.pdf
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Session: OS3f Regional and nationwide scenarios 2
GROWA, the large scale water

balance model developed in Research Centre Juelich (Kunkel and Wendland, 2002) has been applied to regions

ranging typically between mesoscale river basins (approx. 1000 km2) up to entire Federal States and macroscale

transboundary river catchment areas of 100,000 km2 and more (Bogena et al. 2005). As input data it required

spatial distributed input data sets (e.g. soil physical parameters, land cover, topography etc., climate data). In the

last years GROWA has been applied to an area-covering recalculation of natural long-term groundwater availability

in the Federal States of Bremen, Hamburg, North-Rhine-Westphalia and Lower-Saxony (Kunkel et al., 2006). In

theEnvironemtal Agencies and Geological Surveys of these Federal States, GROWA is used for practical water

resources management related issues, e.g. the grants of water withdrawal rights to public water suppliers and for the

required status reviews of the groundwater bodies according to the EU Water Framework Directive.

We will apply the GROWA model for the entire Federal States of North Rhine - Westphalia,

Lower Saxony, Hamburg and Bremen German in order to predict the impact of climate scenarios on the

groundwater resources. The model will be calibrated and validated for the hydrological period 1971 – 2000, which

will represent the reference status for the scenario analyses. The climate change scenarios are generated by the

Atmospheric Environmental Research Division (IMK-IFU) of Research Centre Karlsruhe and will be implemented

in the GROWA model.

The climate change scenarios will be implemented in the GROWA model in

order to predict the temporal development of mean long – term total runoff, direct runoff and groundwater runoff in

Germany, including regionally differentiated analyses for river basins, regions and administrative units.

Special emphasizes will be given to the regionally differentiated prediction of the mean long-

term impacts on groundwater recharge, which determines both, the river discharge and ecological status of rivers

during dry periods, as well as the upper limit for the sustainable abstraction of groundwater (e.g. prognosis of

groundwater hydrograph trends in regions, where water supply is fed from groundwater).

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