Oral Sessions

Around 400 Oral Presentations have been selected for the Congress to deal with the various issues surrounding Global Changes and Water Resources. The presentations will be spread over several parallel sessions and organised by theme over the four days of the Congress. Simultaneous translation between French/English and English/French will be available for two of the parallel sessions. Registered Congress participants have access to all the oral sessions.


  • Each oral presentation has been allocated 15 minutes (10mins presentation / 5mins questions). Presenters are particularly asked to respect the time limits.
  • Presentations must be made by one of the authors of the accepted paper. Note that papers not represented by an author at the Congress will be rejected.
  • All presenters shall bring their own presentation material (eg powerpoint slides) stored on a USB memory stick or CD. Own laptops may not be used to make the presentation.
  • An LCD data projector and computer will be available for all presentations.
  • We strongly recommend all presenters to adhere to the instructions in the following link on how to make a successful computer presentation http://wwc2008.msem.univ- montp2.fr/resource/RES133.pdf


In order to harness the knowledge generated and shared during the Congress, all Oral Presentations are accompanied by a full article that will be published in the XIIIth World Water Congress – Congress Proceedings. This will be an offi cial publication in electronic format, which will be distributed to all Congress participants.

All presenters must upload their full article into our online database for
it to be published in the Congress proceedings. The deadline for article submission has been extended to 15 April 2008. To do so please follow the steps below:

Visit the World Water Congress website at
Login with your username and password
Click on “My abstracts”
Click on “Upload or Update” for the corresponding accepted abstract.


  • All articles should referably be in DF format or in exceptional cases sWord may be accepted.
  • The file size must be less than 10Mb and the article no more than 15 pages.
  • Articles must be written in singlespaced, with figures and tables included.
  • Footnotes are not allowed. All material must be incorporated into the text.
  • References should be double-spaced and in alphabetical order.
  • Cite references in the text by author(s) and date; for example, White (1998) or (White, 1998). Do not use a numbering system with your references.


Neither the IWRA, the National Organising Committee nor the International Scientific Committee
is responsible for statements and opinions in the publication.

The Congress Proceedings publishes original articles in English or French that have not been previously published elsewhere.

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