IWRA projects help address key water challenges and priorities in both developing and developed countries for the sustainable management of this resource. Current projects include: Smart Water Management, Water Quality and the Science & Policy Interface. IWRA Task Forces provide guidance to these projects through their global networks of experts.
Smart Water Management (SWM)
This joint-project between IWRA and K-water (the Korea Water Resources Corporation) aims to better the understanding and promote the benefits of SWM solutions around the world. Its major outcome, the Smart Water Management Case Studies Report, will be published by the end of 2018 to enhance knowledge sharing and gain insights from exemplary SWM projects.
Water Quality
With a long history of projects focusing on the quality of water resources, IWRA has vast expertise in this subject, partnering with major international water institutions and organisations. As a key thematic area of its Strategic Priorities & Actions for 2016-2018, IWRA has set a programme of work that includes the development of a “Compendium on Water Quality Guidelines for Different Uses”, as well as to promote the smarter use of water through the provision of expert networks and tools.
Science-Policy Interface (SPI)
SPI lies at the heart of much of the work that IWRA does. IWRA promotes effective SPI to build and sustain robust institutions and networks, encouraging and supporting communication between researchers and policymakers. To this end, IWRA has worked together with the Office International de l’Eau (OIEau) conducting mapping exercises to better understand the current institutional SPI landscape in the climate change and water sectors, organised its successful XVI World Water Congress on “Bridging Science and Policy” and is working to create a dedicated centralised SPI networking platform.
More information on this project available, shortly.
If you are interested in collaborating with IWRA on its projects, or would like more information, please contact IWRA’s Executive Office at: office@iwra.org