Mirja Kattelus et al for the article China’s southbound transboundary river basins: a case of asymmetry
Marian J. Neal (Patrick) for the article The cycles and spirals of justice in water-allocation decision making.
An honourable mention is awarded to Katie M. Meehan and Anna W. Moore for Downspout politics, upstream conflict: formalizing rainwater harvesting in the United States.
Two awardees:
Hans Komakech and Pieter van der Zaag for Polycentrism and pitfalls: the formation of water users forums in the Kikuletwa catchment, Tanzania.
Karen G. Villholth for Groundwater irrigation for smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa – a synthesis of current knowledge to guide sustainable outcomes.
Two honourable mentions were awarded:
David B. Brooks, Julie Trottier and Laura Doliner for Changing the nature of transboundary water agreements: the Israeli-Palestinian case.
Salman M.A.Salman for The Nile basin cooperative framework agreement: a peacefully unfolding African spring?
Suvi Sojamo, Martin Keulertz, Jeroen Warner and John Anthony (Tony) Allan for the article Virtual water hegemony: the role of agribusiness in global water governance (in Water International, volume 37, issue 2, 2012)
Two papers deserved honourable mention:
Tim Foster, Rob Hope, Mike Thomas, Ilana Cohen, Aaron Krolikowski and Cliff Nyaga for the article Impacts and implications of mobile water payments in East Africa (in Water International, volume 37, issue 7, 2012)
Christina Leb for the article The right to water in a transboundary context: emergence of seminal trends (in Water International, volume 37, issue 6, 2012)
There are two winners for 2011:
Xueliang Cai, David Molden et al. for Producing more food with less water in a changing world: assessment of water productivity in 10 major river basins.
Gabriel E. Eckstein for Managing buried treasure across frontiers: the International Law of Transboundary Aquifers.
An honourable mention is awarded to Andrea K. Gerlak, Robert G. Varady et al. for Hydrosolidarity and beyond: can ethics and equity find a place in today’s water resource management?
James C. Bathurst, Jaime Amezaga, Felipe Cisneros, Marcelo Gaviño Novillo, Andrés Iroumé, Mario A. Lenzi, Juan Mintegui Aguirre, Miriam Miranda and Adriana Urciuolo for the article: Forests and floods in Latin America: science, management, policy and the EPIC FORCE project (in Water international, Volume 35, Issue 2).
Simon E. Cook, Myles J. Fisher, Meike S. Andersson, Jorge Rubiano and Mark Giordano for the article: Water, food and livelihoods in river basins (in Water international, Volume 34, Issue 1).
Neil S. Grigg for the article: Integrated water resources management: balancing views and improving practice (in Water international, Volume 33, Issue 3).
Two recipients were awarded:
D. J. H. Phillips, S. Attili, S. McCaffrey, J.S. Murray for the article: The Jordan River Basin: 2. Potential Future Allocations to the Co-riparians (in Water international, Volume 32, Issue 1)
M. Zeitoun for the article: The Conflict vs. Cooperation Paradox: Fighting Over or Sharing of Palestinian-Israeli Groundwater? (in Water international, Volume 32, Issue 1).
B. Swallow, N. Johnson, R. Meinzen-Dick, A. Knoxfor for the article: The Challenges of Inclusive Cross-Scale Collective Action in Watersheds (in Water international, Volume 31, Issue 3).
C. Sadoff and D. Grey for the article: Cooperation on International Rivers: A Continuum for Securing and Sharing Benefits (in Water international, Volume 30, Issue 4).
Vladimir Smakhtin, Carmen Revenga and Petra Döll for the article: A pilot global assessment of environmental water requirements and scarcity (in Water international, Volume 29, Issue 3).
Salman M.A. Salman for the article in two parts: From Marrakesh through The Hague to Kyoto: Has the global debate on water reached a dead end?. Part One in Water international, Volume 28, Issue 4 and Part Two in Water international, Volume 29, Issue 1.
Ximing Cai and Mark W. Rosegrant for the article in two parts: Global water demand and supply projections, Part One: “A Modeling Approach” and Part Two: “Results and Prospects to 2025” in Water international, Volume 27, Issue 2.